HR and Payroll risks and controls can be identified using Vitalics internal control forms. An essential part of making sure you hire and pay the correct employees. HR and Payroll internal control forms are used to provide accountability and authorization so that accountants, managers, owners can have assurance that the payroll expenses and taxes are accounted for through the books and records. Download Vitalics today and easily customize your HR and Payroll Internal Control Forms.
Easy to Customize in Word, Excel and Adobe
Your Vitalics small business internal control forms are created as protected documents that you can add content to, yet easy to update the status of “protection” in order to customize your forms using Word, Excel and Adobe software. The forms are also compatible with MAC.
Complete access to your HR and payroll internal controls forms, templates and checklists through the Vitalics members dashboard. Download one form at a time, or, all the forms including in the “HR & Payroll” category in a zip file. Vitalics does not require a monthly membership. When you purchase our forms, you have full and instant access to use them for your business.
Internal Controls SIMPLIFIED
Buy Vitalics by Category or Bundle Below
To see the complete list of forms per category or package, click on the “Quick View” Icon next to the product add to cart button.
Vitalics Internal Control Forms
HR and Payroll Internal Controls Forms | Vitalics
Includes 26 Human Resources and Payroll Internal Control Forms
Easy to customize in Word, Excel and AdobeComplete List of Forms
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Vitalics Internal Control Forms
Internal Controls for Small Businesses | Vitalics Bundle
Vitalics Bundle | Includes Over 145 Control Forms
Eleven Internal Control Categories AND the Vitalics Fraud Prevention and Internal Control Workbook
Easy to customize in Word, Excel and AdobeNo Subscription Required
Complete List of Forms
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Vitalics Individual Internal Control Forms
Payroll Checklist Template
Payroll Checklist Template – Vitalics Individual Form Download. Customizable form in an Excel spreadsheet.
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Vitalics is a small business internal control program that provides all the tools to easily set up and implement your company’s controls. Vitalics contains over 145 already created yet customizable internal control forms, checklists and templates and a fraud prevention and internal control workbook. Vitalics forms are also available separately. Whether you are a business owner, office manager, bookkeeper or accountant, Vitalics will provide you the reassurance that your work or your company assets are protected.
Download Vitalics today and easily setup your HR and Payroll Internal Controls for your small business
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Types of Business Schemes
A benefit scheme involves employeeing receiving additional benefits they did not earn such as paid vacation or sick time and excess leave or. According to the ACFE’s studies employees have also been known to hide fraudulent payments in benefit expenses.
A Ghost Employee is a type of payroll fraud scheme where the perpetrator either creates a non-existent employee or does not removed a prior employee from the victims payroll and continues to pay them. They generally have the check directly deposited into their own bank account. Printed checks cause a bigger problem upon delivery.
Falsified Wages are the most common type of payroll fraud scheme where an employee logs in more hours or overtime worked than they actually did. Some cases have shown that a supervisor will authorize non-existant overtime on an employees timecard and after the employee is paid, they give the supervisor a kickback from the extra wages.
Some people will do or say anything to get that job. Resume fraud is growing as the competition for jobs continue to increase. The most common is lying about college or degrees and actual experience. Doing full background checks as well as verifying degrees with transcripts from the Colleges themselves will help prevent you from hiring someone who isn’t being honest.
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