Having control over your assets, cash and banking using specific control forms will provide the best fraud prevention deterrence in your business. The assets cash and banking internal control forms are specifically used to provide approval and accountability so that owners know what to look for and bookkeepers as well as managers can also protect their work from false accusations.
Vitalics Assets Cash and Banking Internal Control Forms Category
Easy to Customize in Word, Excel and Adobe
Your Vitalics small business internal control forms are created as protected documents that you can add content to, yet easy to update the status of “protection” in order to customize your forms using Word, Excel and Adobe software. The forms are also compatible with MAC.
Complete access to your asset, cash and banking internal control forms through the Vitalics members dashboard. Download one form at a time, or, all the forms including in the “Assets, Cash and Banking” category in a zip file. Vitalics does not require a monthly membership. When you purchase our forms, you have full and instant access to use them for your business.
Internal Controls SIMPLIFIED
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Vitalics Internal Control Forms
Cash Banking and Assets Internal Control Forms | Vitalics
Includes 22 Cash Banking and Assets Internal Control Forms (3 Categories)
Easy to customize in Word, Excel and AdobeComplete List of Forms
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Vitalics Internal Control Forms
Internal Controls for Small Businesses | Vitalics Bundle
Vitalics Bundle | Includes Over 145 Control Forms
Eleven Internal Control Categories AND the Vitalics Fraud Prevention and Internal Control Workbook
Easy to customize in Word, Excel and AdobeNo Subscription Required
Complete List of Forms
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Vitalics Free Internal Control Forms
Bank Reconciliation Form
Bank Reconciliation Form – Vitalics FREE download. Customizable form includes the bank reconciliation, un-deposited funds and un-cleared deposits in transit forms on an Excel spreadsheet.
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Vitalics is a small business internal control program that provides all the tools to easily set up and implement your company’s controls. Vitalics contains over 145 already created yet customizable internal control forms, checklists and templates including an updated fraud prevention and internal control workbook. Vitalics forms are also available separately. Whether you are a business owner, office manager, bookkeeper or accountant, Vitalics will provide you the reassurance that your work or your company assets are protected.
Get all the forms you need to setup your internal control program for Assets Cash and Banking Procedures
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Types of Schemes in Cash Assets or Banking
White-collar criminals are opportunists, who over time learn they can take advantage of their circumstances to accumulate financial gain. They are educated, intelligent, affluent, confident individuals, who were qualified enough to get a job which allows them the un-monitored access to often large sums of money.
Cash larceny is the intentional taking of the business’s cash (currency and checks / wire transfers) without the consent of the employer. Cash larceny is an on-book scheme where the cash has been recorded on the company’s books. A fraudulent disbursement is the most common form of asset misappropriation.
Non-cash misappropriation is any scheme where an employee steals or misuses non-cash assets from the victim organization. Assets could include vehicles, office equipment, field machinery or equipment and tooling. Non-cash schemes have more of a risk then general cash larceny schemes. They have an average fraud loss of $80,000 per fraud occurrence and lasted an average of 12 months before detected.
Expense Reimbursement Schemes are when an employee requests reimbursement for a personal expense claiming the expense was for business. Often times the employee will pass the same expense off again a few months later to be reimbursed a second time which is called a multiple reimbursement scheme. These schemes have an average fraud loss of $30,000 and lasted 24 months before detected.
Bank Reconciliation Approval
Always review all aspects of the bank reconciliation from statements, cancelled checks front and back to the reconciliation report to check for inconsistencies and accuracy.
Fixed Assets Detail
Making a detailed spreadsheet of all of your assets including their serial numbers and taking pictures will help your business if you ever have theft or need to go to court.
Using a Signature Stamp
Try not to use a signature stamp if at all possible. They are harder to prove in court because they are an authorized endorsement. If you use one, keep it under lock and key!
Secure your checks!
Checks are easily duplicated. Storing your checks in a secure cabinet with protect you from unauthorized use or forgery.